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  • Zero to Mastery

    Forms with React just got simpler with React Form Hook. Make sure you scroll to the bottom to see code comparison with the alternatives. Really neat!

  • React Status #159

    It’s not just an interesting project, but it has one of the best project homepages I’ve seen too, complete with code comparisons with similar libraries. GitHub repo.

  • JavaScript Weekly

    Performant, flexible and extensible forms with easy to use for validation.

  • React.js Newsletter #179

    It’s not just an interesting project, but it has one of the best project homepages I’ve seen too, complete with code comparisons with similar libraries. GitHub repo.

  • 科技爱好者周刊:第 82 期

    这是一个 React 表单库,基于 React Hooks,看上去代码相当简洁,star 也很高,也许以后可以摆脱那些笨重的表单组件了。

  • React.js Newsletter #178

    There are a lot of great reviews for this library, plus it has a great homepage too. Certainly worth a look if you’re building or refactoring forms. GitHub repo.

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